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Writer's pictureJune Alexander

Autophagy: Sexier Than It Sounds

AUTOPHAGY | Sexier Than It Sounds


Ranking only slightly above “enema” on my list of fun things to do, is fasting. For this reason, when I first heard about Intermittent Fasting inducing autophagy, enema moved up a spot. I’ve done my fair share of fasts, and the word conjures up memories of torturous five day-ers and how not fun they were. The other word, “autophagy,” well, I had no idea what it meant, but was pretty sure it wasn’t good either. However, it seemed everyone was talking about this pair of concepts. Autophagy floated through the Intermittent Fasting, keto and health buzz to such an extent my curiosity began to get the better of me.


Not a sexy word. It doesn’t roll off the tongue like mi amour or Fabio, but as my research progressed, the magic of it actually motivated me to consider Intermittent Fasting.

First, let me set your mind at ease about Intermittent Fasting by emphasizing that one of the operational words here is intermittent. We can’t get away from the fact that fasting is the other, however, here’s why this is better than an enema: I’m going to bet that every one of us can fast while we sleep. Add a few waking hours of fasting after dinner and before breakie, and you, my friend, are intermittently fasting. This has huge health, weight loss and youth-regenerating value. Why? Because of autophagy.

For a moment this phenomenally potent process is going to sink below enema level, possibly going to par with eating dirt, but I promise to pull it out of the tank. Here’s the deal: autophagy means self-eating. “Bring it on,” I can hear you saying. But I’m going to ignore your sarcasm and press forward because I’m sold on this way of destroying diseased cells, reducing inflammation, detoxifying and regulating blood sugar. Here’s how it works: As we live life, some of our cells become damaged due to inactivity, bad food, stress and aging. When we fast our bodies naturally begin a process of destroying weak or diseased cells. This process is known as autophagy. It is so potent that not only does it renew us inwardly, but many quickly notice outward rejuvenation as well. Not a phonetically appealing word, but if that’s not sexy to you, one of us is unclear on the meaning of sexy.

I like to think of it this way: if I will give my body a solid sixteen hours without new intake of food, my housekeeper Autophagy meticulously seeks out anything that doesn’t contribute to healthy, gorgeous me, and sweeps, vacuums or quite literally, flushes it down the toilet. Sometimes she just tinkers with things and saves the spare parts. Numerous studies point to autophagy as an effective means of curing autoimmune disease, liver disease, diabetes, cancer, infections and neurodegeneration. Honestly, the list of autophagy’s awesomeness goes on and on. For instance, it would be wrong to talk about autophagy and sexy without mentioning weight loss.





1. Eat a high fat or keto diet with low carbs and protein.Fat won’t convert to sugar the way protein or carbs do. Your body, however, needs fuel, and for most of us, that fuel is the carbohydrates and sugars we consume. Eating fats forces the body to produce ketones for energy when there are no easily grabbed carbs lurking around. And ketones are derived from fatty acids. Yes, from our very own fat stores. If that was the whole story, it would be good enough. However, there’s more good news: breaking down fat reserves mimics a fasted state. Fasting induces autophagy.

2. Exercise creates slight damage to our cells by tearing down muscle. You ask a good question: I want to do this WHY? Studies indicate that twenty to ninety minutes of any high intensity exercise causes our bodies to recycle old cells at a much greater rate than without exercise. When the tissue is broken down, selectively removed (autophagy) and then repaired, our muscles are stronger and can withstand more stress without injury, aches or pain. Our autoghagic system actually becomes more responsive when we work out daily.

3. Intermittent Fasting Intermittent Fasting is as effective in weight loss as restricting calories, but easier because, well, we don't have to restrict calories! Just don’t eat while you’re sleeping. Okay, and for a few hours on either end.


Truly, there is nothing not to love here. Intermittent Fasting effectively promotes autophagy every time we do it. There is no “falling off the wagon” consequence because we won’t reverse the effectiveness of what we accomplish every time we Intermittent Fasting. It can be done once a week or seven times a week. Your body thanks you every time. Sixteen hours is a common cut off point. By then your discipline and planning has given your domestic help several quiet hours of cleaning out the old to prepare for the new. Our loyal housekeeper, Autophagy, is on retainer so let’s keep her busy. With minimal effort and a little planning, we can keep her busily working long term. A clean, renovated house; now that’s sexy.

Until next time,

June Alexander, Owner

Sugar Free Please

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